Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Oh no...It's Cold Again!!!

My apologies to my new followers – I had vowed to have at least 1 post per week, however super bowl Sunday and the MUvKU “disaster” on Monday got in the way of my plans, and it was either my post or my training.  In the spirit of keeping my priorities straight, (although I’m starting to enjoy being a blogger!) I kept my training in line and waited until today between work and my 8pm soccer game to fulfill my commitment to you drooling piranhas salivating at my every keystrokeJ - Just kidding, and let me take this opportunity to thank you again for reading.

My joyous week of training was brought to a SCREEEEECHING halt.  The most diabolical winter storm in Kansas City’s history (or so the weather personnel would have you believe) hit with the fury of a cat-fish swarm chasing after those little dog food pellets at local marinas (gross!).  Are we still blaming El Nino for crazy weather patterns?  Remember Chris Farley as “El Nino”?  All other tropical storms will bow to El Nino – El Nino is Spanish for…the Nino.  That was funny!

 As I press into month 2 – once again I was forced indoors fending off the temptations to hibernate.  I changed up my strength training in accordance with Tony Horton’s desires to confuse my muscles, and have grown accustomed to my trainer workouts, trips to the dungeon for plyometrics, and bearing the “new year’s resolution” crowds at the gym.  I even took advantage of the 2.5 to 3 feet of snow that accumulated in my driveway by turning shoveling snow into a squatting exercise.  So I’m doing my part to make the best of this atrocity, and now it’s mother nature’s turn to reward me with an early spring.  Punxsutawney Phil is even doing his part by keeping his shadow at bay (although I’d be more afraid of all those dorks in top-hats whispering in my ear).  Come on spring!!!

Jen just started radiation and is feeling a little run down, but she got to travel for work for the first time since diagnosis, so she was pretty excited about that.  Only 12 more trips to KC Cancer Center to go (which is actually 2.5 more weeks)!  

A little cancer note:  It is certainly interesting how serious everything is with cancer – diagnosis, prognosis, staging, treatment, etc. (and rightfully so).  I mention this, because of some of the scheduling “issues” we have had throughout this experience.  For instance, it was imperative that when Jen got started with radiation – she was to go EVERY day……except weekends.  When I asked why not weekends, I got a “duh” kind of look, and an answer “because we’re closed on weekends”.  Ok – so this vital process to cancer treatment and survival is so important that you can’t miss a day – unless the clinic isn’t open…gotcha.  I guess it’s just one of those nuances that you don’t think about until you experience it, and in no way (to my knowledge) are these things a detriment to Jen’s eventual cancer ousting, so don’t take this for distain, but I promised to share thoughts about cancer in this blog as well.  Now, I certainly have respect for time off work (believe me), and don’t wish doctors/nurses/technicians to work 24/7.  I just found it kind of funny how critical things are, can be, or seem to be until it runs into happy hour (food for thought).  Lastly, this wasn’t an isolated incident either – there was also a similar situation with Jen’s diagnosis and again when starting chemo, but that’s a story for another time.    

Looking toward the future – tomorrow is actually the TNT kick-off for the summer team.  I’m pretty excited to officially get started, even though I’m almost 45% to my fundraising goal already (Thanks again everyone).  I not only get to meet who will be accompanying me to Philadelphia, but the rest of the summer team (marathon, century ride, and hike teams) along with our honorary patient and mentors.  This weekend is also the first training session…we’ll see how my preparations stack upJ.  The meeting is at 5:45, and they’re having pizza…seriously???  We’re supposed to be in training and our kick-off is a pizza party?  I know what you’re thinking – the answer is ‘yes’ – Diet Dr. Pepper does taste more like regular Dr. Pepper.  The place I figured to be safe from saturated fat, and monosodium glutamate is where I’ll need to test my skills on portion control.  Trust no one!

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