Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sick and Injured?

There are 2 things endurance athletes can’t stand…being sick and being injured.  I say injured, because of that old cliché we all know from our favorite professional athletes that “if you’re hurt you can still play”.  Well, endurance athletes are no different from basketball players, football players or NASCAR drivers – we play hurt.  It’s apparent when you read Runners World, Triathlete, or any other magazine aimed at endurance events and you see at least 1 article per month on how rolling a golf ball under your foot aids in plantar fasciitis, and scrunching up a towel with your toes improves foot strength.  Each attempting to help keep “hurts” from turning into injuries.  It’s the injuries keep you on the sidelines and being sick just plain sucks (that last part isn’t limited to endurance athletes).

Well, I had my bout with both of them in the last 2 weeks.  Those of you keeping up read about my bout with a little head/chest cold that held me down for a few days.  In the midst of all that non-sense, I had a bit of a situation with a potential injury this week as well…

Potential because I couldn’t exactly explain what was going on, so I did what any logical resident of 2011 would do – I “googled” it.  When I didn’t get the answers I was looking for, I “hoo’d” it (Yahoo you can send royalty checks payable to The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society when that catches on).  After I expended my vast knowledge of search engine navigation without getting satisfactory answers from Al Gore’s contraption – I decided that maybe I should go see a Doctor.  I mean, if Jeeves doesn’t know what this thing is – I may be in real trouble. 

Now – I hate going to the doctor.  I’ll avoid the doctor like Lady Gaga avoids the norm.  I even have a low deductible health insurance plan because if I had to pay any more than $30 to see a doctor I’d probably die of complications from a bunion before I’d pay that guy to look at my….anyways – I don’t like the doctor.  So you know this is serious. 

Long story short – the doctor told me that the tingling/burning sensation I’ve been feeling when I…………….stretch my calf (was that enough dots to get the joke across?) is likely a nerve that runs along my Achilles that ends in my heel, and should go away on its own in a week or so.  By the way, the “injury” was feeling a funny sensation in my heel when I stretched my calf, but I wanted to make you sweatJ.

Bottom line – I’m fine, and over my illness and ready to break…it…down!  I’m getting ready to head to the gym for back/biceps, and to swim.  Then off to soccer.  I feel good about being able to hit it hard again, and am looking forward to the training this weekend (although not looking forward to driving out to 151st street) into next week.

Jen only has 3 more radiation treatments!  The last one can’t come too soon, her throat is so sore that drinking water is difficult, although she is getting a nice little tanning (or should I say redding) base goingJ.  Remember my rant about being sick…I have NOTHING to complain about. 

Fundraising has slowed down, and I think I can safely say that the results of my initial campaign are in.  The results speak for themselves – WOW…46% of my goal.  Once again – thank you so much to those who have donated.  I’m looking forward to getting creative to knock out the remaining 54%, and then helping my team to reach its goal.

Stay tuned to see how I do it

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