I have certainly made a better habbit of missing posts than I have of posting posts. I guess that's just the type of blogger I am. Again, I'll try to make up a couple/few weeks in a post. Last post I was at 75%...now I'm at 87% of my goal. YEAH!!!
This is attributable mostly to my wonderful wife who threw me a surprise 30th birthday party, and in lieu of gifts asked for donations. Perfect! Not only do I never know what to ask for, but am actually really uncomfortable being the center of attention (especially when opening gifts). This worked out so well. Not only did I not have to think about what I wanted, people didn't have to think about what to get me, and MOST importantly LLS is that much closer to their goal.
It was really good to see everyone. I was surprised, but in hindsight I should have known it was coming because of several "hints" throughout the week. It's funny how your subconscious notices things but your conscious mind doesn't put the pieces together to the point of realization. That must be what they mean when they tell us we only use 10% of our brains, or maybe they just told me that so I have an excuse for all the stupid thing I say (and do).
Ever been in an everyday social interaction with someone where your answer doesn't quite address their question, and (more or less) makes you look and feel like you just missed the short bus because you set your alarm for 5pm instead of 5am? Happens to me all the time. Example: Sitting at a restaurant it's standard operating procedure for your server to extend plesantry by inviting you to "enjoy your lunch", to which my brain (subconscious or conscious depending on your opinion of me) would reply "you too". In attempt to salvage the respect I demand from my severs I cleverly add "Uh...you know...when you have your lunch" Damage done. Oh, my favorite is passing a co-worker in the hallway when they ask "what's happening?". Now, this doesn't even REQUIRE a response, just simple greeting protocol. A simple nod would be a satisfactory response and you'd be successful in keeping the charade that you've never lost your sunglasses while they're on your head. Instead, I like to respond "Good".
I digress (and actually digress pretty well if you ask me)
Here comes the heat, whether or not you love or hate it - here it comes. I for one am not a big fan, because I have what you call a little bit of a weight problem that results in a little bit of a sweat problem. I've noticed that my sweat quantity has increased exponentially over the course of the last couple weeks. I always remember thinking how good it feels to actually sweat after the winter training months because I forget that I'm one of those who sweat so much that I'll actually saturate and overheat. I've experienced this a few times - it's like hitting a wall, only it happens WAY earlier than it should. Hopefully we get lucky and the temps stay in the 60's for a few more weeks.
Training has been good in the last few weeks. I've had a 20mi ride, followed by a 30mi ride, and then an 8mi run in subsequent weeks. I've also been pushing up the distances in the pool, and combining weight trainings incrementally. If I could just figure out how to get a yoga session in there. I'm cautiously optimistic about my fitness level at this juncture knowing the big challenges are still in front of me for this particular endeavor.
Work is succeeding in keeping my stress levels high, and although training is doing it's part in giving me an outlet (really a good give-take) it's resulting in restless nights and some missed sessions (usually foregoing the first of my "two-a-day" sessions). On top of work, my company participates in the KC corporate challenge - an Olympic style competition that pits local businesses against each other to establish a "fun" bragging right. I like to do a couple/few events that I enjoy, but sometimes I wonder why I put myself through it. Of course there is fundraising/training attached to all of it. I don't know how people do this with kids. All this combined...I have a busy few weeks approaching, but luckily I also have vacation coming up. May and June will not be void of interest...Stay Tuned
I promise I'll wait a long time until my next post :)